20 Mar 2008


Ayperi Ecer Karabuda (Reuters VP ve bu projenin müellifi) yollamış...
Reuters muhabir, fotoğrafçı ve kameramanlarından 100 kişilik bir kadronun Irak savaşı ile ilgili saptamaları... 7'si Reuters'dan olmak üzere 127 gazetecinin de ölümüne sebep olan "savaş"a katlanılan tanıklık...

Tıklayın: http://iraq.reuters.com/

Through five years of war, a team of 100 Reuters correspondents, photographers, cameramen and support staff has strived to deliver news to the world from Iraq – the most dangerous country for the press. These are their personal stories, bearing witness through half a decade of conflict which has taken the lives of 127 journalists, including seven Reuters colleagues.
Visit: http://iraq.reuters.com/

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